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Sports Massage & Remedial Soft Tissue Therapy

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Sports Massage is not just for sports people it is for everyone!

Sports and Remedial Massage differs from other forms of massage as it covers the management, manipulation & rehabilitation of the soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia) of the body. 


It uses a combination of traditional massage strokes and specialised techniques such as Soft Tissue Release, Neuromuscular and Muscle Energy Techniques to help lengthen and realign soft tissue fibers.


This in turn helps to maintain flexibility and ease of movement, thus encouraging better posture and more efficient use of the body which will promote injury recovery and also prevention.  The specialised deep tissue techniques used in Sports Massage mean that its positive effects can last longer than with other types of massage.


In recent years, the Institute of Sport & Remedial Massage have replaced the name 'Sports & Remedial Massage' with 'Soft Tissue Therapy', to more accurately reflect the work that we do in working with musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.


Neil qualified at the North London School of Sports Massage in 2006, bringing with him many years of experience.

Some conditions that may benefit are as follows:-

- Muscular pain & Back pain
- Muscle, Tendon and Ligament injuries
- Movement and joint restrictions
- Headaches
- Sciatica
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Post surgical scar tissue
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

- Work related overuse injuries (RSI)
- Frozen shoulder
- Accidental injuries
- Postural/Biomechanical strain & imbalance
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Management of spinal conditions such as Scoliosis
- Cerebral Palsy (management of muscle spasms)

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Your Treatment

Your initial session will involve a consultation where your medical and injury history will be discussed, along with what your physical goals are and what you would like to achieve from Sports and Remedial massage.


It is often helpful at this stage to provide copies of the reports from any relevant xrays, scans or investigations you may have had in the past.  Your first session may also include a postural and biomechanical assessment.  Treatment may include strapping/taping of your injury if indicated. Client modesty is maintained throughout the treatment with the use of towels. 


Following the treatment, guidance can be offered on improving posture along with exercises and stretching techniques where appropriate.

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